Monday, February 4, 2013

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Friday, January 14, 2011

color and design... back to the basics.

And so school appears to magically still going on although there are some factors that may make it fall apart...
I am in my first two art classes for the first time in years. I've taken some art history type of stuff... so a real art class again seems pretty daunting.
I am in color and design as well as drawing 110.
Our week one project was to illustrate works through lines.
It was a super difficult project for me to do...even more so because I thought I only had to turn in two but in fact had to do four. Surprise surprise.

'prayer' ^


'dynamic' ^

'angry' ^

We had to use lines that were in the class textbook, I found it more limiting on trying to make sense of a word with the use of line.
So there ya go.

in other news... when you do lots of school work you find more appreciation for the distractions you can find within a few feet parameter.
Exhibit A:

The Adorable Mylo, I love him and he loves me.
How do I know? Instead of sleeping in his comfy bed he'll come lay on the cold ceramic tiled floor just to be close to me while I work.

Exhibit B:

Other animals visitors. Some times when I come back to my little desk there are random things that are mail, dust, dog hair...
cute little chicks, are a fantastic distraction and they were on my desk for a while as well. I think there are Brahma mixed chickletts :)

Exhibit C:

Looking through old papers. This is one of the only drawings I did while at Red Fishy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow in Texas.

On Sunday it snowed, So I did not go to work..because the roads where bad out in the boonies where I live with the Taylor family.

What have I been up to?
Spending time with Carmen!
A little bit of work.
...more school.

I am currently taking online courses until second block starts and hopefully my little car Calvin can make it up to Idaho

I have been listening to Sufjan Stevens a lot lately. I find it regrettable to find out that he was making music when I was in middle school ... back in the day where I couldn't find anything to listen to. Little did I know Sufjan was alive and creating making music that is just the kind I like.

So I just have not really had time for art at all this, however, is an assignment.
Yeah I could have taken longer on it and I am sure there are lots of things wrong with it. I KNOW I can make something better... but I'll prolly post my future stuff. You can see if I prove myself later on.
I just get to a certain point and am like meh... that'll work. this is just my first art class and it is only available online.
Do not get my wrong I love art. I just don't get the time to make the kind I want.
It is hard because I have a million art piece ideas yet not time to really do it.

As for new art piece ideas...
Most ideas I get are fueled by something that I cannot let go of. As of late though I have been tired of feeling. So most thoughts, emotions, and moments that I use to hold onto for an idea.. I just throw out. So you can see lots non-emotion envoked art like lots of cartoon doodles on my belongings.

Okay.... so I am 22 and will be 23 this 2011 and I am a college freshman..not the most pathetic story... but just a bit discouraging when I already have a strong distaste for taking the time out for higher education.
I want to study art ed and agriculture... So I am quite slowly doing the college thing. What job market am I rushing to anyways? Will they even need art teachers by the time I graduate from college??!? What if I had to teach something else like ..math.. ::shudders::.
Carmen's mom comes in at night to see how I am. A recent conversation:
"how's it going rachie?"
"oh don't be so sad"
"do I look sad?"
"yes you do"

I wanted to know what these studious-depression faces looked like so I would take a picture after each time she would come in they goes as follows:

PLese excuse the I rolled out of bed and have been wearing pjs all day look*

I tell myself:
just do it.. it will end eventually.
I'll reward you with fun an exciting summer and fall employement
or to live in a new place as soon an the school year is over.
I cold go travel or live in the mountains ...
just force yourself..come on rach.
Lucky for you the school year is from January til August!
Come on Rach.
Enough crazy monolouges.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Deep in my heart of Texas!

Being home is pretty cool … hmm.. but getting to see Carmen is a super bonus!!!
I didn’t start working right away after I got home. I really enjoyed lounging around with Carmen or her momo and crocheting or running errands!!!
My life with out Carmen would be so sad. I think we were instantly best friends. I’ve known her since 5th grade for me and 4th for her.
Her parents were my moms visiting and home teachers. My mom brought me over thinking I’d have fun with some little girl that was a grade below me and whom I had never met.
It was such a strange feeling meeting her. We didn’t really say much to each other but instantly I felt a connection to her. We bonded over Pokemon cards and how we were both really laid back. Carmen suggested that I ask my mom if I could spend the night.
As my mom and I drove off I told her about how Carmen wanted to know if I could spend the night.
She thought it seemed fine and as we were driving out of the coulder sack Carmen and her mom were out my the bric mail box waiving us down.
Her mom asked if I could spend the night some time.
Since the first time I’ve spend many years of sleep overs at their house.
I’ve practically grown up with Carmen. She’s been like a paternal twin. We’ve gone through all of our weird and silly stages together. We’ve been there for each other through the hard times and the great times! We’ve stuck together through distance and not being able to communicate as often.
I don’t have to impress her of call her a certain amount of times a month for her to feel like we are still friends. I don’t have to hide a weird quirk or pretend to like something for her. She knows pretty much all of my different attitudes and moods. I can always be myself around her which I can’t honestly be around anyone else.
She’s really smart and has always made great grades. She loves dressing for comfort. I love that she hasn’t changed her style because of other people suggestions. She is always true to herself. She always been so pretty and talented but has always been humble about it. She corrects Everyone’s grammar all the time. She is a video gaming- music loving- nick knack gathering- animals loving- kind hearted- level headed – girl.

For Halloween I was a Viking but most people though I was an opera singer or I was suppose to be from the train your dragon movie. Carmen was a character from Assassin’s Creed the medicine doctor. We made a funny looking group together. She scared some little kids while we took her nephew out trick or treating. It was pretty hilarious.
We carved pumpkins and Carmen’s mom made me decorate cookies. They turned out really cute and I didn’t want to eat them.
Scooter had babies!!! The little goaties are super cute!

Oh and my birthday came and went. I turned 22 this year. It just sounds so old.. I know it isn’t really and I probably have lots of more years to my life…but I still see myself as 18 and just starting out.
I got to decorate my cake which I’ve done for the past three year…and I knew about all my presents except a few because I got to pick them out. Last year I did the 21 monster and this year I did an elephant with my favorite pattern ( which is concentric circles…).

I’ve been getting into the swing of being home. I’ve spent some time with friends. I got to spend time at my sister’s house : D !!! I really like spending time with my sister. I feel sort of boring around her sometimes….well most of my family. It may be because I hold back a bit on my personality around just about everyone… and I don’t know.
Either way it is great that she was willing to let me bum there for as long as I did. It was great to see how the business is going! Yay for sisterly love!!! She is like a beam of sunshine she always seems to do her best to love everyone and brighten people’s day. I’m so proud of how hard her and her husband work in school and to make a living. Both my sister and her husband are great inspirations to me to do what I love and to find a way to make it work. Seeing how much they care about each other is cute too.
So bottom line: being home is wonderful!

Life after the summer and the road home

Packing up my stuff from my ritz room at Red Fishy was a weird feeling.
I knew it was right and my beloved roomie the great Faith Peters had already gone and so had a majority of the crew.
The weather was getting colder out
and we’d already had our end of the season dinner.

Lindsey and I headed out to Boise and I stayed my brother his wifey and their new baby Katelyn!
It was stressful to get everything arranged for buying a car and taking my drivers test.
What is a 22 year old doing with out a driver’s license you ask… well… it’s a long story but mainly has to do with helping pay bills while still at home and not having a car while in college.
everything seemed to work out I now own my first car, first six months of drivers insurance, first driers license, first GPS, and it all lead to my first road trip.
My trip home to Texas.
I visited friend up at BSU.
I got to go to Caldwell, ID to see my friend Danielle who worked with me at Red Fishy and got to go to her birthday party!!!
The drive home wasn’t as bad as I thought. I ran into a ton of construction! You know where you have to wait for a car with a blinking light to get you across the one lane road??!? Yeah five times and I was the pilot car four of the times :/ .
I Spent my first night in Colorado and by the second night I was home at the Taylors!!!

Since Red Fish I’ve become accustom to not seeing pretty mountains out my window every day and not having an employee cook but Carmen’s mom cooks a lot for good food too .

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A summer of a life time, one I'll always remember

Right before I came to work at Red Fish Lake Lodge for the summer there was a lot of silly little things going on that felt like a huge deal to me.
Right around this time I was studying a certain part in preach my gospel.
I felt prompted to call my friend to help sort out a part in the manual that was never a clear subject to me. My friend and I talked for a long time about the topic and encouraged me to start a miracle journal.
He asked me to write one miracle in it each day. It made me better realize the hand of God in everything. During this time I was having issues with school, where I wanted to live, money, dealing with my missionary coming home, and deciding if school was something I was going to give up on or not.
Having this journal made me realize all the changes that happened since and were currently in the works happened for a reason.

Red Fish was an amazing example of being offered an opportunity to sit back and learn more about myself and what I really want. Red Fish gave me the time I needed to heal from the heart wrenching events that lead up to the move their.

I spent alot of time doing what I love most. I love art, music, my friends and family.. but being outdoors takes the cake! When I make art there is always criticizing and it never looking like how I want it to, with music I wear out some of my bests by over playing it, with family and friends some times it's a bigger effort than it needs to be.
When you are outdoors by yourself it is just amazing.
I spent the summer across the lake of Red Fish and did as many hikes as a I could. I had never been too amazed by Idaho until I came to this place and could see the beautiful Sawtooth Mountains every day. I started running the Fish Hook trail once or twice a day and exploring.

My main goal for the summer was always in the back of my head.
I wanted to summit a mountain.

All of the sudden everything picked up at Red Fish more people were coming in, I started working in more than one department, I stared going out for fun in the area with friends, and would spend the weekend in Boise.

The out look of my goal seemed pretty far out of reach.
As the season finally started to calm down I asked my boss if I could possibly get two days off a week to summit Thompson Peak.

The time came that following week right in the middle of getting over a sickness and with only 40 minutes to prepare for the road.
My friend Aaron Miller (AKA MilMil) basically made me allow him to come with me... I guess no one ever likes the sound of you going to Thompson alone.
MilMil came into my room during the lunch break and told me that our boss said we could go but that we'd have to leave tonight!!!
I stared at him blankly for a while... I was still pretty out of it because of some meds.
He started spouting off a list of what he thought we needed and so he headed back out to work, and I headed out to find a topographic map of the area and also to find out some back packing stuff.
As soon as MilMil was let off for the day we scrambled for food and to make sure we had what we needed for our packs.

We headed off later than we thought we should have.
Then began our adventure.

I had done a bunch of hikes but none with a back pack thingy...and because I am short the back pack hit an awkward part of the back of my head so I couldn't stand normally.
With-in the first hour I realized the comfort of my neck would be compromised for the rest of the trip. AND IT WAS.

We headed off of the Red Fish trail head and onto the Marshall Trail.
The trail lead to this ridiculous goat trail..if you kicked a rock off the side of the drop off you'd hear it roll down for a looooong time.

For a little bit I thought we were lost and so did MilMil. he was complaining about how it was dark an that we needed to stop... I looked at my watched and realized we hadn't been hiking long enough to even be at our stopping point for the night.
I gave in and we set up our tent. Oh and I LOST my sleeping bag. I must have fallen off my pack. MilMil said it was on well...guess not.
Yes, it was an extremely cold night!!!!

In the morning MilMil and I ate cereal and didn't eat much of a dinner because the hot dogs that the kitchen gave to us went bad...
MilMil proposed that he was going to go home and that I should come too. I had been having time breathing mostly because I was sick and couldn't breathe out of my nose. I'm sure it didn't help that I hadn't gone running since I got it had been two weeks.

The view was beautiful!!! I made a deal with my friend we could explore for about twenty minutes if we didn't see profile lake we'd turn back... guess what was about eight minutes away... PROFILE LAKE!

we left the heavier stuff in the tent and headed out around the side of Profile. When we got to the base of Thompson we abandoned everything but water bottles and cameras... there was no way we'd be able to basically scale up Thompson with our backpacks still on.

We started heading up. Towards the lower part of the summit there were Small loose rocks you had to be careful where you planted your foot about half of the time you couldn't find anywhere stable.
Closer to the top where huge rocks that was also a balancing acted. You had to test each rock to see if it would move after you got on it. If you didn't you'd end up like me I hopped from one rock onto another and it toppled to it's side and I smashed my side onto the some nice bruises and a sweet scar that is still yet to fade :)!
I started getting light headed after a while. I get light headed and drowsy alot throughout out my life but this was a little worse probably because I didn't eat much in the morning. We took a water break at the shoulder and continued on. the view was totally worth it.
YES I was stupid to go while still sick...and... Stupid to have not prepared better before hand.

The trip had me wanting more and after recouping from being sick and after I completed the next few weeks at Red Fish I started researching for what I could do next!

I cannot say enough what being at Red Fish did for me. What all of the people I met and friendships I made did for my life and my perspective.
How amazing it was to enduldge in my love of the outdoors for five great months!!!
How I realize that every thing happens for a reason.
How acomplishing that goal and most of my other summer goals really helped me devlope great self dicipline and dedication. I doubt people read all of this but I hope they enjoy the pictures!!!

"Living the dream at Red Fish Lake Lodge" - Red Fish lovers every where!